Where have I been? You might be asking yourself that question. Well, last year I was conducting a server conversion and I lost all of my blog content and the framework used to carry the articles and comments. I was really annoyed but I have to accept my shortcomings with regards to technology. A simple hit of the save button would have prevented the loss. Technology……..it’s a love hate relationship to be sure.
That said, I’m happy to be back blogging about our industry. I did manage to save a few of my old blog topics and I’ll be reposting them as the need arises.
During the coming weeks and months I will do my best to keep everyone informed with regard to the job market and trends that may assist you making a good career choice.
Two facts:
- Every day I speak to a tire professional that needs a job or wants to make a career change
- Every day I speak to an employer that is trying to make a good new hire that will add value to their company
What are the issues that make matching great companies with highly professional job seekers so difficult? If both parties want the same objective you would think things would go smooth. What’s wrong?
I will explore the dynamics that work against our objectives and try to explain how we can overcome these real or perceived hurdles.
I would welcome any suggestions or questions with regard to blog content. Do you have topic that you would like to discuss? Just hit that comment button and we’ll see where it leads us.